Why yes, I did recently deliver an 11 lb baby :)
Baby Nathaniel is doing good. I talked to "I" last week and Nathaniel had been giving them a hard time and had been especially fussy and hard to get to sleep at night. They took him to the doctor and ended up changing his formula and putting him on gas drops and he's been doing much better. It's hard to believe he's almost a month old already.
Alyssa only has 3 weeks of school left and I can't wait. I am SO not a morning person and I love the summer. The summer is when we really get to do stuff as a family and the kids get to experience so much new stuff. I love taking them to new places. We recently got them a small pool and they LOVE it. They drive me nuts every single day begging to get in the pool, rain or shine, day or night, it doesn't matter to them. We also got season passes to the zoo and I can't wait to take them. And we are planning on taking a trip to Florida this summer. Alyssa has been begging me to take her to Florida for at least 6 months now. She wants to go to the beach an go visit her friend, Aubrey, who moved to Florida and go visit "I and A" and baby Nathaniel :)
Alyssa (left) and Zoe (right) waiting on the pool to fill up. They were pointing at the clouds and talking about what they look like :)
This is how a 4 year old writes lady bug and caterpillar...LOL!
Alyssa got a soccer trophy!
The coach made paper plate trophies for all the kids with different things on them for each kid. Alyssa's was "Major D" for defender b/c of how she would run up and block the goal trying to keep the other team from scoring.
Her coach and teammates
Zoe in her new bathing suit ready to get in the pool :)