Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Almost 12 weeks

Hello.  Everything is going great with this pregnancy.  So far this has been my easiest pregnancy yet, minimal nausea and no vomiting.  If I get nauseous it's usually because it's time for me to eat.  I had my first visit with my OB last week and it went great.  Baby looked great on the ultrasound and is finally starting to look like a baby and not just a little blob on the screen.  If I lay on my back I can feel the top of my uterus poking up but I don't think I'm starting to show yet.  I still have too much fluff to be able to see a baby bump. All the screenings came back good.  We also found out what we're having.  Apparently there is a blood test they can do now at 10 weeks to find out what you're having.  Amazing!  So, we're having a girl. 😁  It's funny because me and "M" both thought it was going to be a boy.  LoL!  "T" even mentioned that people tend to have less morning sickness with boys so I thought, ok that makes sense because I already thought it was a boy.  Apparently I'm just going to have less nausea and morning sickness with each pregnancy, idk.  I also did my first sugar test this week for the gestational diabetes screening and passed with flying colors.  Sugar was supposed to be under 135 and it was 115.  Yay!

I had my last day at Petsmart this past Sunday.  It was bittersweet.  I'm going to miss everyone but I am so happy to have my weekends back.  Plus, I can see where it might be a problem trying to work there while pregnant because I'm constantly having big dogs jump on me and several times have came home with scratches across my stomach.  This weekend I have a birthday party to go to for my nephew on Saturday and my bff's baby's first birthday on Sunday.  So glad I don't have to worry about missing those this year.  Plus, my oldest daughter, Alyssa, is leaving on Sunday to go to Washington for a week on a field trip.  Then the week after that Tommy is going on a field trip with Zoe to Alabama.  They're going to a science museum or something.  Alyssa's birthday party is going to be on Memorial weekend, that Saturday.  Then the next day we're going on vacation to Myrtle Beach for a week.  Can't wait!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

First Ultrasound

Ok so good news, the HCG tests came back good and everything looked good on the ultrasound.  We were all so relieved!  I swear it felt like it was taking the ultrasound tech forever to tell us anything or show us anything.  It was torture! 

So the official due date is 11/14/19 which means I'm 7 weeks along today.  I get to start weaning off meds next week.  Yay!!!  When we were talking to the doctor after the appointment the other day about coming off the meds she said they were going to start weaning me off the injections first and I would be on the suppositories until 12 weeks.  I swear I thought I saw her head spin around when I asked her if I could come off the suppositories first and stay on injections.  LOL!  I don't think she's ever had anyone request that before, she looked dumbfounded.  She kept telling me I can change my mind at any time and it's ok.  It's just that with the injections it's a once a day thing and it's quick and over with in about a minute and I don't have to think about it again for 24 hours.  Plus that whole area is pretty much numb by now from all the injections.  It's something that has happened with every surrogacy and the feeling always comes back later after stopping the injections.

I have one more ultrasound with Emory Reproductive on April 10th and after that I get released to my OB and my first OB appt is April 22nd.

I'm just so happy that it worked and happy to be pregnant.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

2nd Transfer

Well, unfortunately, even after several positive pregnancy tests the blood test still came back negative.  They said it was a chemical pregnancy.  So we're on transfer number two now.  I was getting lots of very strong positive pregnancy tests and the first beta 9dp5dt was 242 which is a very good number.  If it had doubled every 48 hours then it would have been 968 13dpt but instead it was only 750.  750 is still a good number for 13dpt but the fact that it didn't double is seriously stressing me out.  I have another beta test tomorrow morning so fingers crossed we get a good number.  I really want this to work out.  I really like the guys and want this so bad for them.  And I want this to stick so I can get through this first trimester and get off all the meds and injections.  My backside is so sore and full of knots from all the injections.  Anyways, fingers crossed for tomorrow. 🍀

Oh, and my oldest daughter, Alyssa, recently started softball.  She had her first game tonight and her team won 6-4. 😊

Also, I'm leaving Petsmart.  I'm thankful for the experience and knowledge I've gained but it's time to move on.  I'm very limited in what I can do there training wise.  That makes it very difficult to help certain dogs.  I don't like not being able to help them, it's very frustrating.  And this working every weekend thing is for the birds.  I miss my family and I hate having to miss out on everything on the weekends.  Plus, I can make as much money working from home training one dog a week as I can working at Petsmart all week.  I'm trying to stay on until they find another trainer which will hopefully be soon.  I told them I can only stay through April though.  I've got several birthday parties, plus Mother's day and Memorial Day holidays every weekend in May.