Friday, December 28, 2018

Surrogacy #3

Well, as you can tell from the title I'm doing my 3rd surrogacy.  I signed up with GG again and they told me they didn't have any matches for me.  I don't know if it had anything to do with my weight because I had gotten up to 220 at that time or what the reason was.  But everything happens for a reason.  In January of this year my husband and I started keto and I lost 55 lbs.  Then I signed up to do a surrogacy for a local agency, Tomorrow's Parents International.  Everyone in the surrogacy world here in Ga has heard of THE surrogacy lawyer, Sara Clay.  Well, she started her own agency and since I'd heard lots of good things about her I decided to try her agency.  Everything has gone great with her and I have no complaints about her or the agency, they've all been great.

I got matched pretty quickly with a local couple here in Atlanta which I love.  I'm very excited about this couple being so much closer and being able to share more of this pregnancy with them.  They are great guys, super nice!  We've only met for dinner once so far and that's the only time outside of the various surrogacy meetings that we've gotten to hang out.  Hopefully that changes soon, once the pregnancy progresses and we get to know each other a little better and the weather gets nicer.

We are using Emory Reproductive Specialists this time and they've been great.  I love that they are in the same hospital where I'll be delivering.  The med protocol has been a little different but it's working great.  I don't think my lining has ever gotten so fluffy.  The last ultrasound before the transfer my lining was at a 15 which is great for me.  With my first surrogacy it was "almost 7" the day of the transfer.  Even with the twins I don't think it ever got over 8.

So, my transfer was this past Saturday, 12/22.  Sunday night and all day Monday I had a lot of cramping.  By Tuesday (Christmas) my boobs were getting sore and it only got worse over the next 3 days.  On Thursday I was feeling a lot of pelvic pressure and discomfort and today I've been kinda nauseous off and on but nothing too serious and I get tired easier.  I'm usually a night owl but I'm doing good to stay up until 11:00 these days.  I took my first pregnancy test yesterday and got a very faint positive.  I was kinda surprised to get a positive at all though because I'm notoriously late getting positive tests.  With my first surrogacy I took like 15 pregnancy tests over several days before I got one to come back positive 8dp3dt.  The same thing happened with both my kids.  I've always known I was pregnant before the tests could detect it.  Besides the twin pregnancy though, this is the first time I've ever gotten a positive so soon.  It was positive on the first test, 5dp5dt and the next morning as well.  I think I'm going to wait until Sunday to test again and hopefully the line is a little darker.

I am working now.  I work at Petsmart as the dog trainer.  I enjoy it, it's definitely a fun job.  I've been there for a little over a year now.  The kids were getting older and they were like, "Mom, when are you going back to work?".  So here I  They are 11 and 9 now.  My oldest started middle school this year which is scary.  They grow up too fast.  She just got her own cell phone for Christmas.  I remember I was at this same point in my first surrogacy as I am now, when she was starting pre-k.  She was crying every morning and the teacher would have to pry her off my leg so I could leave.  I was an emotional wreck between that and all the pregnancy hormones.  It's crazy how quickly time has gone by and how much the kids have grown and changed.

But this is going to be my first pregnancy with a job so it'll be interesting to see how it all works out.  Only one girl at work knows anything about the surrogacy and I'll probably keep it like that for a while.  At least until after the 1st trimester if possible.  I worked up until 3 or 4 months with my first pregnancy and I've been a stay at home mom ever since then until now.  Hopefully I can work up pretty close to the delivery.  I really hope I don't have another huge baby or twins.  The likely hood of having twins this time is very low though because they only transferred one embryo.  But fingers crossed for a nice 7 lb

Ok, time for everyone's favorite part, the pictures.  I'll try to keep you updated as the pregnancy goes on.  I go in on Wednesday 1/2/19 for my blood work pregnancy confirmation.

Creaping along 3-7-15

 3-7-15 is when I wrote this and somehow it didn't get posted.  So when I saw it today I posted it but now it has today's date and isn't in chronological order anymore.

Nothing much new going on.  We went out to L.A. for our screening and everything came back fine, we are cleared for takeoff.  They sent my profile over to the guys and they loved it.  The guys aren't going to be able to make it to L.A. right now for a match meeting so we're going to do a video conference next week and the guys will come out for the transfer.  It's so tempting to just send the guys a message on FB and tell them hi.  I hate all this waiting.

Photography business is going good.  It's been pretty steady but I have done a lot of free shoots since I started.  I did a free photo shoot contest when I reached 100 likes and had a lot more interest in it than I expected.  I have my first official wedding Saturday and another photo shoot on Sunday.  With Christmas right around the corner I am happy to have the extra money but it takes a lot of time to edit all those pictures.  December is going to be a busy month.