Tuesday, September 13, 2011

8 week checkup

I went to my 8 week checkup on Monday and we have a perfectly health little "kidney bean" (according to babycenter).  I have to say I got a little worried the day before because I was feeling too good.  I'm sure I'm probably crazy but if I'm not nauseous or tired then I worry that something might be wrong.  Don't think I had that issue with my own pregnancies.  I've talked to other surros who say they are the same way so maybe it's just a surro thing and I'm not actually crazy :)

I thought it was pretty cool that you could actually start to see the little arm and leg buds and the umbilical cord.  Can't wait to see how the 10 week picture looks.  I'm not really sure about the lady that did my u/s this time.  She wasn't the same lady that has done it the past few times and she didn't seem to really know what she was doing.  A few minutes into the u/s I asked her if we could listen to the heartbeat and she told me that you usually can't hear it this early.  So I told her they didn't have any problem hearing it last week!  So, after a few minutes of fiddling around with the machine saying we should be hearing something when we weren't hearing anything, and I could tell by looking at the screen that she wasn't doing it right, she finally called my usual doctor in there to show her how to do it.  YAY!  You would think that would be one of the first things they learned how to do was listen for the heartbeat!  She said the heart rate was 180 bpm which seems crazy high to me b/c both of my kids were in the 130s-140s but I've been assured that it's normal.  After listening to the heartbeat and getting some pictures and a video where you can see the heart beating and one where you can hear the heartbeat she had to check my ovaries (which they always do) and she couldn't find them.  I didn't say anything.  I was just thinking, whatever lady, they were there last week so I'm sure they're still there.

After my appointment I got the word from Kolb's office that they are going to start weaning me off my meds...YAY!!!  That's when I heard my 3 favorite words...Discontinue Progesterone Lozenges :))  I am so happy to be done with those things.  I was also told to decrease my estradoil injection from .3cc to .1cc and the estrace tabs from 2 pills 2x a day to 1 pill 2x a day.  So happy about weaning off meds b/c it means I am that much closer to being released to my OB :)
In other news, I'm feeling HUGE!  Probably b/c I feel like I'm constantly eating to keep the nausea away.  But, I've only thrown up one time and I had been felling fine all that morning but I hadn't eaten anything and I was doing laundry and around 10:30 it just hit me all the sudden.  It wasn't bad though b/c I hadn't eaten so I just went back in there and finished my laundry.  Lesson learned.  I've also noticed that cereal works better than a waffle at keeping the nausea away.  I will probably be starting my weekly belly shots very soon :)


Rebekah said...

Aww great 8 week update!! Sorry the u/s tech didn't seem to know what they were doing though - that's always lots of fun! :D

2blessedx2 said...

I love reading your posts because we are just a few days apart in our surro pregnancies! Good for you being weaned from the meds, although I am already released to my ob; I have to be on meds until 12 weeks :(