Saturday, August 13, 2011


Well, I've been testing like crazy the past week and 8dp3dt and 13 pregnancy tests later we finally got a BFP!  Yay!!!!  I was so relieved.  I know I felt pregnant but it's just a beautiful sight when you finally get that positive test.  Of course I had to take 2 more the next morning and will probably take one more tonight.  My beta is on Monday and I can't wait to see what my numbers are.  I'm hoping they are at least 100. 
Symptoms are still pretty much the same.  I've been having a little more nausea but it's usually not in the mornings it's as the day goes on.  And just been really tired so I usually try to take a nap during the day while the kids are napping.  Still having some cramping off and on during the day but nothing major.  Hopefully all this cramping means there's a lot of growing going on in there :)  I've also been super emotional and can't even watch a sad commercial without tearing up.

I sent the guys a text that night after I got the positive.  After testing for a week straight and not getting a positive I had decided to take a day off from testing on Thursday (day 8).  I had no idea how hard that was going to be and by that night I finally gave in and I'm so glad I did.  I was so excited I couldn't wait to tell the guys but since it was so late I didn't want to wake them either so I just sent "A" a text message and figured he'd see it the next morning.  As "I" was about to walk out the door to go to work the next morning he saw that "A's" phone had a text message and decided to check it before he left ("A" was still in bed).  He read the text and started screaming.  Then "A" woke up real quick not knowing what was going on, thinking they had been robbed or something and was asking "I" what was wrong.  "I" threw him the phone and told him to read it and started jumping up and down.  They were so excited.  I talked to them a little later and you could just hear the excitement in their voices.  The first thing "I" said after seeing the text was, "OMG!!!!  Are you serious???!!!  Can you send a pic of the stick!!! :) :) :)"  So far they have only told their immediate family and 2 best friends and are waiting until after the first trimester to tell everyone else.  "I" said everyone they have told is thrilled.  His mom screamed with joy, Adrian's sister cried and "I's" dad had already called him 15 times by lunch...LOL.  I love to hear about everyone's reactions.  It makes me so happy to hear that they are all as excited as I am and it reminds me that this isn't just about making "I and A" dads it's about the whole family, grandparents, aunts, uncles and all the people who are going to be there to love and help take care of this baby(ies) and I am so happy that I am able to be a part of that.


Jeni said...

The reactions are THE BEST!!! I love it!!

Jesse said...


Chelle said...

Omg omg soooo freakin happy for you !

Anonymous said...

Just started reading your blog, SO exciting to see you got a BFP!! I am also going to be a GS (hopefully!). Just had our first cycle and the egg donor's levels failed to rise so it was cancelled. Trying again when we get AF with different meds and hoping she responds better. Hope I get as lucky as you. Want this very badly for my IM and IF.

Good luck with your pregnancy!

Heidi said...

Such happy news! Your IP's reactions are the greatest...I LOVE it. I can't wait to hear what your BETA is tomorrow.

Kristen said...

Wonderful news!! Congrats to you all!!

paradykes said...

Yaaaaaaa Awesome news!! Congrats to you and your IF's.