Monday, August 1, 2011

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

Tomorrow I will be "leavin' on a jet plane".  Woohoo!!!  Talked to my IFs yesterday and found out that they were able to get 20 eggs during the egg retrieval.  The RE said 8 - 11 is average!  And today we found out that 9 of those fertilized.  YAY!!!  I am so hoping this works on the first try but, just in case, they are going to freeze the rest of the eggs (assuming they make it).  And if we don't end up needing them they mentioned keeping them to possibly try a future sibling :D  I am so freaking excited I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight.  I haven't had much spotting just a tiny bit every once in a while.  I am dying to know how my lining looks and if it has thickened up any.  Can't wait to see A again.  I'm sure he's just as excited as I am.  I've got my toes painted green for good luck so it has to work!  Right!  Can't believe in less than 2 days I am going to be pregnant!!!  Hopefully with twins :))  Wish me luck.  I'll update when I get back and hopefully have lots of pictures.


momof4 said...


paradykes said...

How exciting!!! Sending lots of sticky sticky vibes your way! Love the green toes.

Andrea said...

Cant wait to hear all about your trip!!! Positive thoughts and sticky vibes coming your way!!! xoxo

Jesse said...


Stephanie said...

Love the toes:) Hope they brought you lots of luck:)