Well, I flew out to L.A. on Tuesday and hopped a cab to my hotel in Pasadena, the Westin hotel. The next morning was transfer day. "A" and I walked down to Jamba Juice before our appointment for a quick "breakfast". After sitting in the waiting room for a few minutes they called me back and got me set up in the room on the table. I had one of the paper drapes over me and a big warm blanket on top of that. After sitting there for a few minutes they finally had "A" come in. They had a chair in there for him to sit in and it was over by my head and when he came in he scooted it back as far as he could...LOL. I thought that was funny :) And he was asking me if I was ok with him being in there...LOL. So we signed some papers and got ready to do the transfer. The did pretty good keeping me covered the whole time (from what I could tell :) so hopefully "A" didn't get too much of an eye full. When Dr. Kolb started the procedure he turned off the lights and they did an ultrasound at the same time as they were doing the transfer so you could see it going in. After that I had to lay on the table for about 10 minutes before I could get up and go to the bathroom (did I mention all this had to be done with a full bladder?). While I was on the table "A" kept asking me if I was ok and if it hurt. Then he stepped out to call "I" and his mom and everyone and let them know how it went. It was so funny b/c "A" was so happy and excited and couldn't stop smiling and telling me "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" It was very cute :) Then we both went back to our hotel room for about an hour so that I could lay down since I had to be on bed rest the rest of the day and "A" needed to get himself calmed down...LOL! After that it was time for lunch and he told me to just lay there and stay in bed and he would go get whatever I wanted. He ended up running down to PF Changs and bringing back Chinese food. It was very good. And we watched a movie. Later on he went to the California Pizza Kitchen to get me some pasta for dinner, which was delicious and we just hung out and talked for at least 2 hours. It was a very nice end to the day. Then before I flew back home the next morning we walked down to Marston's Restaurant and had a very nice breakfast out on the patio. It was a great couple of days (except having to be on bed rest) and I loved getting to hang out with "A" some more. I sure hope this works on the first try b/c I am going to feel awful if it doesn't. I know that besides taking all the meds like I'm supposed to there's really nothing else I can do but I don't think that will make me fell any better. I've been having a little bit of cramping off and on and a couple of bouts of nausea since the night after the transfer (not sure if that's from the meds or the embies) so hopefully that's a good thing and these embies are busy getting snuggled in good. I go back to the doctor on the 15th to have the big pregnancy test done. I'm hoping for high numbers. I will probably start taking pregnancy tests way before then so I will let you know how it goes. I will try to hold out on POAS until Monday but we'll see how that goes :) Monday I will be 5dp3dt and that is really early to get a positive but it doesn't hurt to try. They say practice makes perfect :)
Now onto the good stuff...pictures :)
This is the lobby of the hotel.
These are "A's" embryos. They used the bottom one.
These are "I's" embryos. They used one of the 4 across the top, not sure which one though.
The big black blob on the top is my bladder and the smaller grey blob under that is my uterus and the white line in the middle of my uterus is where they put the embryos. Think sticky thoughts :)
This is me and "A" the morning after transfer before I had to go home. ("I" had to work and couldn't come)
Oh and I forgot to mention that I got to skype with the kids every night before they went to bed and Alyssa was very ready for me to come home. The night after the transfer when we were skyping she said, "Did you get a baby put in your belly? Are you all done? Can you come home now?" Thursday she had her open house and Tommy had to take her for me and when they left he took the kids to McDonalds and Alyssa was telling some random lady up there that, "Mommy had babies put in her belly." And of course the lady was telling Tommy congratulations and all that stuff and he didn't really know what to say and Alyssa was trying to tell her everything. I wish I could have seen the look on Tommy's face as he tried to change the subject and get Alyssa to be quiet...LOL. Alyssa was very happy to see me this morning and came in and gave me a big hug and told me she missed me and loves me (so sweet :') Earlier today Zoe was trying to climb on me and Alyssa told her that she can't climb on me b/c I've got a baby in my belly and she asked me if they are girl or boy babies...LOL! Kids are so cute :)
I LOVED spending time with the IFs at the transfer. It is a special time and I'm glad "A" could be there with you!
I'm sending you sticky vibes! ;)
Thinking "POSITIVE!!!!!!"
Yaaaa I'm sending lots of sticky thoughts your way.
Love the pics ! Sounds like everything went wonderful ! Sooo ready for that beautiful BFP !
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